Constructed wetlands are one of a suite of new science technologies used in Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) to mitigate water flow, velocities, and pollutant loads to receiving waters. Our engineers have the skills to utilise constructed wetlands in the water treatment train to aid in stormwater or wastewater processing and reclamation, thus protecting and enhancing water quality in downstream creeks, rivers, and bays.

Well-maintained, aesthetically constructed wetlands provide multi-factor benefits and generate premium prices for adjacent allotments.

Our key service areas include:
  • Preliminary planning
    • Feasibility
    • Concept design
    • Approvals
  • Design
    • Multi-purpose systems for treatment, re-use, and flood mitigation
    • Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
    • Wastewater treatment wetlands and effluent polishing
    • Detailed civil, structural, and hydraulic design
    • Plan preparation
  • Construction supervision
    • Contractor management
    • Site preparation
    • Earthworks and engineering ‘fit-out’
    • Planting and establishment
  • On-going management
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Weed control
    • Watering systems
    • Risk management
    • Mosquito control

Martens - Environmental Services - Constructed Wetlands

Recent Projects
North Turramurra Golf Course, NSW
Killalea Lagoon Management Plan: Bass Point Quarry Expansion, NSW
Illawarra International Health Precinct, Penrose, NSW
Galston Equestrian Facility, Bayfield Road, Galston, NSW

Project Enquiries